Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog 4

I thought that the video A Class Divided was very interesting.  I've seen this video a couple of other times before this class, but this was the first time I actually took it serious.  The other times I watched it, someone showed to me because they thought it was another funny youtube video.  Some of the things that the kids said are funny.  This time I watched it with a new perspective because of what we are talking about in class.  This was a very unique experiment on a very touch subject.  Racism.  I couldn't believe how quick the students started singling out other students based on their eye color.  They began fighting a calling each other names.  They had the chance to experience what it would be like to be discriminated based on their race.  I grew up in a very small town where I didn't even see a person of a different race until high school.  My town is filled with racist people.  I was fortunate enough to grow up in a house where my parents taught me that discrimination is not right.  My opinion of a person is based on who they are on the inside and not the color of their skin.


  1. I think you're right that the students quickly picked up on what their roles were in the senario. Even though most of them probably hadn't been exposed to racism up until now, they still had an idea of how people believed to be lesser were "supposed" to be treated. It's quite disturbing how this is almost bred into people these days.

  2. I also thought it was interesting how quickly friends became enemies. I can only imagine how these children would act if they were raised this way until adulthood. Maybe they would be similar to the people in your hometown. Interestingly enough amoung all those people your parents still chose to believe it is wrong to judge someone by their skin and have based that thinking on to you.
